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UGG at Winter Namm Show 2006
By Fred Heghammar UGG.
UGG at Winter Namm Show 2006
We had four fantastic days at the Winter Namm Show 2006. Thanx to all nice people we met and to all good music we heard! Full cover coming soon, in the mean time here are some photos from the event.
Fred outside Baked Potato waiting to see Michael Landau

Keeley pedals into a Divided by 13

Mr Chapin with Anders new blue (of course) Chapin hollow tele

The new EL84 THD prototype, man this one sounds gooooood!

Tony from Evidence Audio, the best cables in business

Meet the Swan with the Builder him self Mr Soloway

Mad Professor and Ruokangas dressed for success

New killer Fender amp, the mighty Super Sonic

Paul C and Alfonzo Hermida at the Heritage Booth

Zvex, what can we say...

Ulf in front of his favorite amps

Johnny Hiland played through this Dumble at the PRS booth

Andy Fuchs and some killer guitarist in action

The talanted Josh Smith with his favorite guitar builder Bill Chapin

Andy Marshall the man behinde THD infront of the new THD prototype

Ben Fargen infront of his lovely sounding Fargen Amps

Famous Voodoo Plexi didnīt let us down, killer sounding

Harri and Dean at the Custom Sounds booth

Brain K at the VHT booth, great player with a great amp

Peter Straud checks out the new Molloon pedals through his Scumback loaded 65amps

Joe Bonamassa at the Budda booth

Johnny Hiland at the PRS booth

Fred takes the 65amps for a test ride

Fuchs Namm channel swithching show off amp

Fred and the new CAE classic mod, it sure sounds good

One of the best in show if you ask UGG, Davis and Ulf at the RC Davis amps booth
Stay tuned
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